Tuesday, May 14, 2013

Who Framed Roger Rabbit?

Lazy Sunday shopping day with my best friend, that's the day we met.
I saw him behind an intricate display of colorful items that were on sale. He was leaning nonchalantly against a wall and was surrounded by his friends.
They all sort of looked alike and blended in together, but that's when you know that someone might be different, when he stands out from the crowd. He definitely stood out. Maybe it was the way he was looking at me, like I was sizzling bacon with a side of sunny side up eggs the morning after a drinking binge. Perhaps it was an illusion I created in my mind because I wanted him so badly, regardless, I knew that at that point we both chose each other and I wanted nothing more than to take him home with me.

There's nothing more powerful than mutual attraction. Sex sucks when the need is not equal. I personally feel like a hooker if the man who I just let fuck me does not share the same desire for me as I do for him.

Many men can agree that when they meet a woman that catches their eye they want nothing more than to possess her. To have her only to themselves, to take pride in the fact that this trophy they have won for themselves will not be passed around and fondled like the Stanley Cup. I never understood that feeling of possessiveness until I met Roger that lazy Sunday afternoon.

Though the initial attraction may have been physical, his demeanor and gentle ways are what won me over and made me fall completely head over heels for this God.

If that wasn't enough to make me lose my mind over him, his full 8 inches did, over and over again.
I'd come home frustrated after work and Roger without fail would make me forget that someone stole my Tupperware from the fridge (WTF people?).

He was a perfect gentleman and was waiting for me to let him know when I was ready for him to explore my tidy bits.

So when I took him home that first time I unwrapped him and without hesitation grabbed him by his rod.
I could tell he enjoyed it too. He was so vocal in bed, I fucking loved it. The louder the better, I hate prissy little men who are overpowered by the sound of the bed creaking. I need some Darth Vader huffing and puffing and Serena Williams grunting.
He started off by teasing my clit to produce more moisture before he ripped into me with his bulldozer of a cock, I needed the right amount of lubrication. 
The best part of it all is that he wouldn't stop until I was completely finished and satisfied.
At night once we were done with our sexathons, Roger would lay beside me peacefully. I'm usually not an ear person and I know this is going to sound psychotic but his fucking ears were adorable. He seemed so small and compact when he was sleeping; he never bothered me and gave me just the right amount of space not to feel smothered like I sometimes did when the man beside me assumed I enjoyed having his armpit hair on my neck.

I started to become obsessed with him and whenever I was out with my friends I found myself feeling lonely. I'd catch myself imagining us in bed, dreading the hours ahead that would keep me away from being home with him. My friends noticed the shift in my mood and started teasing that I'm becoming needy.
But I didn’t care, I was needy. Roger was always on my mind.

Now if Roger proposed I'd give up my mid night shenanigans with men in a heartbeat, however, even though same sex marriage is legal in Toronto, marrying your sex toy isn't.

Meet Roger

1 comment:

  1. Haha... the ending totally caught me off guard. Nice!
